Don’t Like the Game? Change the Rules

  • Category: Opinion

Not only have congressional republicans forced a government shutdown and then launched a massive campaign to deny it’s their fault. They’ve also changed the rules so that only they can bring forth the vote that will reopen the government. Of course the only reason for this is to prevent democrats or moderate (read reasonable) republicans […]

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The Scarecrow

  • Category: Opinion

This video is haunting and beautiful. Chipotle leads the way in bringing fresh, natural ingredients to the mass market. A few years back I watched Food, Inc. I don’t know if I could call it life changing—at least not in the sense that we normally use the term—but it did affect my outlook on what […]

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How I’m Not Measuring Up (or … How High I Try to Aim)

I always hold myself and my work to a high standard. An unreachable standard, often. Unreachable, at least, within the confines of what I have to work with and the constraints I’m under. It’s one of the hardest things I deal with on a daily basis. I live with the knowledge that if I just […]

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Change the Way We Think About Charity

I just watched Dan Pallotta’s TED Talk on charity. It’s common sense, but it’s all too often shamefully opposite of how we view charities. Take a few minutes to watch, I think it’s eye opening. Our generation does not want its epitaph to read, “We kept charity overhead low.”

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The Mexican Mormon War

  • Category: Opinion

There can be literally no question that the War on Drugs is a failure, as misguided as it was well intentioned. It is, however, a success in one regard: it fuels the drug cartels who profit—like prohibition-era bootleggers—on the illegal nature of drug trafficking. This VICE documentary is both fascinating and eye-opening. Well worth the […]

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