
Grand Junction Living

I finally got around to taking pictures of my new apartment. There’s still work to be done, art to be hung. But after nearly two months, it’s clean and comfortable. Without further ado, here are the pics. The blue in the kitchen isn’t exactly my style, but it looks pretty nice either way.  

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Dual Citizenship

I, for the moment, have dual citizenship. I have an apartment in Denver and an apartment in Grand Junction, CO. Both. At the same time … also … I’m moving again. Although Junction is small, non-urban, politically conservative and, you know, far from urban, it’s a great little town with an amazing community of friends […]

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Philly Startup Weekend

  • Category: Updates

Turns out if you fly out to Philly and do something cool, they write nice things about you. I like this place! Couldn’t be more pleased with the opportunity or the team I got to work with! voxx.io, a digital jukebox, took top honors at Philadelphia Startup Weekend 4.0, beating out 11 other teams at the […]

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What’s In a Blog?

  • Category: Updates

So I think it’s time to revamp my blog and what I’ve been doing (or more to the point, haven’t been doing) with it. It’s been pretty hit-and-miss, and when I did post it was pretty random what it might be. So I’m gonna try and focus a bit. I don’t know what that means […]

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The Adventure Continues

Before I moved out to Chicago, I figured I would live here for two or three years. Once I got here, I decided it would probably only last until the start of next winter. I never thought I would be leaving after only four months—four amazing months at that. But I am leaving, four months […]

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  • Category: Updates

I’ve lived in Colorado a long time—more than half my life. In the seventeen years I’ve been here, I’ve moved twelve times to ten different places, all of them right here in Colorado Springs. I’ve been a Coloradan long enough to see a steakhouse become a ski shop, and then become a carpet store. The […]

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