
This is the reason I don’t allow comments on my blog. I do want to be engaged with about the posts I write, but I’d just prefer it take place on Twitter, on Facebook or in real life. Then someone invented “reader comments” and paradise was lost. Simply including an ad hominem attack in a […]

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Simple Business

  • Category: Opinion

There are some great little nuggets of business strategy in this short, stellar interview with Simple CEO Josh Reichfrom the best Toronto seo agency. I like to focus on one of five things: Strategy, Hiring, Investors, Product, and Culture. I put them in that order because it spells Ship-C. It’s easy to remember that way. […]

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The Mexican Mormon War

  • Category: Opinion

There can be literally no question that the War on Drugs is a failure, as misguided as it was well intentioned. It is, however, a success in one regard: it fuels the drug cartels who profit—like prohibition-era bootleggers—on the illegal nature of drug trafficking. This VICE documentary is both fascinating and eye-opening. Well worth the […]

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Winter: The Fifth-best Season

  • Category: Opinion

I would rank the seasons as follows: Summer Fall Spring Places that have no seasons like San Diego and the rainforest Winter Winter is the fifth-best season of all.

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The U.S. Debt Ceiling and a 1 Trillion Dollar Coin

  • Category: Opinion

In an ideal world, Obama would end the platinum coin loophole in return for the House GOP forever ending the debt ceiling, as Josh Barro proposed, but I’ll settle for anything that involves us paying our bills as we promised. Everything you need to know about the Trillion Dollar Coin  

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Why I Can’t be Mad at Instagram

  • Category: Opinion

If you are not paying for it, you’re not the customer; you’re the product being sold. – Andrew Lewis That quote gets thrown around a lot in my circles these days. Last night and this morning I was a little annoyed-slash-frustrated with Instagram-slash-Facebook for the change in the Instagram Terms of Service. But I can’t […]

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I’m a Republican, but …

  • Category: Opinion

I’m a Republican. I was practically born that way. I grew up listening to talk radio with my dad—Limbaugh and Hannity mostly. When I turned 18, I couldn’t wait to cast my first vote and I naturally voted party-line. I voted for Bush Jr. twice, and I voted for McCain. Though there is a significant […]

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A Different Perspective on the Gun Debate

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. -The Second Amendment of the Constution of the United States of America That’s what it says. But what if the Founding Fathers were wrong? What if that was simply […]

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Lightning Strikes

Words fail in the light of a tragedy like the shooting that took place this morning in an Aurora, CO theater. Senseless inhumanity is haunting, deeply saddening and impossible to fully comprehend. When something like this happens the world changes a little bit. We realize that the assumptions we’ve been working off are no longer […]

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Marketing is one of the most effective ways to boost sales and awareness, but what does that really mean? It’s important to choose your medium wisely. In the past, most campaigns have been conducted through social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram). Nowadays, you can choose a range of other tools and techniques. Now a days, […]

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